So, something is troubling you ?
Everyone has something troubling them all the time, you might come across some people who might seem like every thing’s working for them, but eventually something almost always goes wrong.
Troubles are waiting for us in each step of our lifes, even when you’ll be really rich, healthy and have a girlfriend – Something will trouble you.
From my experience with self help, I have found that the following tips greatly help in dealing with trouble-sum issues:
1. Learn about it, think about it – try to learn what’s really the root of your problem / issue and when or where does it most trouble you!
For example: For months I had pain in my right eye – I went to more then 4 doctors and an advanced eye mapping procedure to try to find out what’s wrong with my right eye.
After thinking about the problem through and looking at when and where the troubling occurrences happen (and not wasting time complaining and looking at the 100th result page on google for “eye pain”) I have found out that most of the the time, the pain starts when I’m sitting in my office in the afternoon (which is when the air conditioning begins working). I then found out that all this time the air conditioner was directly pointing (from a distance) to my right eye, I modified it’s position – Problem / Trouble Eliminated.
2. Act on it, make actions –
After looking into the roots of the problem try to build a new daily schedule that helps you deal with the problem, this might mean taking time off from work every couple of monthes to reduce jon pressure from your lifestyle or even take a bath everyday at night if you feel like it helps you sleep better.
Example: 5 years ago I had a job which involved a lot of running and sports, and it was really painfull – after a while everyone who worked with me knew that when this job is done, they will never run again. When I finished the job I found that it’s so much fun not to run and do sports all the time, I actually stopped doing sports for 2 years…
5 Weeks ago, after visiting my doctor, I have found out that keeping my lifestyle as it is – isn’t going to leave me a lot of lifestyle time. I had an extreme level of triglycerides and a really low level of good HDL cholesterol while a huge amount of bad ones, this might have been caused by the huge amount of fast food I consumed in the past 2 years, and the fact that I didn’t do sports at all.
Now? I had to completely change my way of life, but this time it’s not like I’m going to have a stressful job that requires me to run all the time – I’m going to try doing it in a way which I like:
- In the past month I have been going for 2 hours sport sessions twice / 3 times per week, and went from a phase where I could only run 600 meters to running 2300 meters (without falling on my face).
- I take extra care of what I eat, a lot less junk, less saturated fat, a whole lot of nothing of Trans fat – which I used to eat a bunch – these stuff really kill you, and it’s everywhere!
- I take daily dosage of Omega 3 capsules and multi vitamin with at least 75 MG of each of the B vitamins.
- Healthy and yummy meals, fish, tuna, Salmon, eggs – 3 vegetables or fruits every day.
- Sleep at least 9 hours a day (Well… OK I have done that before too).
- And it’s great! I still haven’t done a new set of testing at my doctor but i really think things will look better – I’ll be sure to update the results here.
These 2 issues have been the highlight of my troubles in the past month, there are many more but I am dealing with each one at a time – and it feels great. I sure hope you enjoyed reading this and that my exprience might have helped you in dealing with the troubling issues in your life.